My Brand-New Tumblr


I’m back (again and again). 

BUT NO, I’m here now to tell you, readers (even a micro-sized and imaginary readers…), that I will routinely put something in this blog! Horrayy!! :D

I already be a daily blogger in pramudita, I share my short stories in cetakcetik, so I think I want to have fun with one more thing: illustration! 

Which illustration? Random things like my Deviantart gallery? No, I guess.  I will be focusing on BEAUTY/ SKINCARE/ BODY TREATMENT PRODUCTS! Do you believe it? I’ll become some-kind of beauty blogger.  But I prefer to use illustration rather than photographs.  It’s more personal for me.  Anyway, I’m not so good in editing photo with Adobe Photoshop, so, I’m trying to train my hands, my fingers, my visual quotation… a.k.a my lifetime hobby.  :)

So friends, I will always following my heart, my mood, my wind.  Now that I’m addicted to products, I’d like to write and draw about products! :)

Enjoy the whole-new concept of my tumblr, and…welcome! :D The ‘first’ post will appear ASAP, since I haven’t bought a new scanner.  But I PROMISE to bring this blog to life again.  :)


