Cawan Liebster


+Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.

+Display the award on your blog (just like I did above).

+Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.

+Provide 11 random facts about yourself

+Nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve the awards.

+Create a list of questions for the blogger to answer.

+List these rules in your post (you can copy and paste from here).

+Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the 

Liebster Awards and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (because they might not have ever heard of it).

I would love to say thank you for my middle school junior, the brand new awesome beauty blogger Areli Tabitha! ;D It's funny how we met again through blogging world.  Hahaha.  We were in one Japanese club back we're in beauty club.  LOL. 

 Okay, first thing first, here are the questions Areli gave me, completed with the answer.  

1. What is your favourite foundation?
 Moi, j'aime beaucoup 100% Pure powder foundation with SPF.  I looove this foundation like...superly! :D 

2. Which one do you prefer, face painting or special effect? Why?
Maybe more to special effect.  Face painting seems flat for me.  Effects are more...cute! Haha. :D 

3. Tell me about your skincare routines on your daily life.
I wake up in the morning and wash my face with fresh tap water.  And I drink a glass of water, take a good breakfast with my family, find a reason to smile.  The day goes and after a busy day with make up/sunscreen/foundation, I clean my face with oil-cleansing method, sometimes with VCO, or other plantbased oils I found nice.  For my beauty sleep, I apply Aromanaturals Vitamin Creme.  Then, yup, I get a smooth supple skin at night! Oh, ya, by the way, I do face scrub with oatmeal/barley/sugar twice a week. :D

4. Who is your inspiration? Tell me why? What he/she did to you so that you can choose his/her to be your inspiring people? (people, ex: father, boyfriend, mother, etc)
 I can't choose one, Rel! Everyone has a special trait that impress me.  I love my mother's simplicity, my father's artwork, my brother's easy-goingness, my friend's eco-friendliness, Bea Johnson's zero waste life, Zooey Deschanel's style, and...all. 

5. What is your favourite makeup brand? Tell me why.
So far, 100% Pure.  Most of my well-done face filled with that brand.  I love the ingredients and the result.  PLUS the unique light-weight packaging. :D

6. Do you have boyfriend? Tell me the most unforgettable moment with him :3
 Hahaha.  Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no. I haven't got a boyfriend, maybe later after my crush...likes me back.  LOL.  Okay, talking about crush, my most unforgettable moment with him is when we sit together side by side and laugh together.  *hey dude, I'm curhat-ing!

7. What is your skin type?
 Oily-combination. I have dry cheeks, oily nose and forehead.  Never really understand my skin, but I love it. :D

8. What is you like most of your face? Tell me why? (ex : eyes, lips, etc)
My...lips. Kisses, kisses! 

9. Makeup challenge, product review, or giveaway? Which one do you like most and why.
Product review.  It's great to see another's point of view about some stuff.  Especially when the review comes with awesome visual addition (photo, picture, illustration).  

10. Describe yourself in 3 words!
 I'm happy, healthy, eco-friendly.  

11. Tell me the most unforgettable moment when you make a beauty blog post :D
My favourite moment is when I make the illustration or when I do the photography.  Ah, I love every step, every process in blogging! :D

11 Random Facts About Ningrum
+ Alright. I'm (almost, really almost) officially a mix of pescaterian-vegetarian-ovaterian since the last Earth Day.  I don't eat beef, lamb, chicken, duck, pork anymore! I choose seafood, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and I still take animal-by-products like honey, cow milk, yogurt, and butter.  I think for a long time, I'll stand on this life style.  :D

+ I love to read and write.  I love creating stories. I love imagining things in my head based on some literatures.  Yoohoo!

+ I want to save the world.  I want to protect Mother Earth.  ;)

+ You know, I'm a Capricorn.  But Kak Sundea the dukun of Zodiak Gembira said, I'm a weird Capricorn.  Most Capricorns are serious person, with serious personality.  I look more like a Libra with Cancer sentiments, in my opinion.  But I'm still as ambitious as Capricorn, and I'm stubborn like what.  Hahahaha. Anyway, some people born on December 23rd, like me, are humourous personals.  As long as I know. 

+ I like the fact that Raditya Dika, Dewi Lestari, and Zooey Deschanel are Capricorns. I love them!

+ I have a black thick glorious hair.  Even when I bought a food once, the seller didn't say, "Hello." Instead, she said, "Oh, my, your hair!" LOL.

+ I want to adopt a dog or cat.  Someday.  Or a llama! Haha.

+ I'm learning to sew with machine! It's kinda difficult and messy at first, but I'm happy doing the learning steps.  :D

+ Follow my Instagram: ningrumningrum.  ;)

+ I've been waiting for my tomato plants to grow the fruits.  I hope it's going to grow soon, and I'd love to harvest some tomatoes!

+ I make novels! 4 of them are published.  A quartet full of high school story.  It's the last 2 of them:

Alright! Now to the questions I would like to offer to the award achievers: 

1. Who is your favourite animal (I used who instead of what to remind us that animals are living species, not a thing!) ? 

2.  Do you ever want to be a vegetarian? Why/why not? 

3.  Tell me what song that is stuck in your head right now. 

4.  Which country do you love? 

5.  Warm colour (pink, red, bronze) or cool hue (blue, black, green) for eye shadow? 

6.  Inform me about how important is Earth Day for you. 

7.  What is the most lovely memory you have about school? 

8.  Rain or sunshine? 

9.  What is your motto? 

10.  Do you believe that aliens exist? 

11.  If you could meet dinosaurs, what dinosaur will be your best friend? 

Okay,  I know it's absolutely random, guys! But, anyway, have fun answering my questions! :D 

I want to give this award to these 5 people I chose randomly:

1.  Amber 
2.  Ana
3.  Yuni
5.  Titasya

Enjoy the show, people! :D 


  1. Thank you so much for selecting me for this award Katarina! It's so cool that you have your own novels published!

    1. I think you deserve the award, Amber. :) You're welcome, then.

      Yea, it's just my luck to have my novels published. :D

  2. Yeaaayyyy~ love your post :p
    Aku nyoba buat jadi agak veggie dulu waktu puasa daging hahaha, guess what? keterusan!
    sampe akhirnya aku kembali ke asal gara2 godaan spaghetti Bolognese dan segala macam sushi dan katsu ramen ._.
    ga kuat iman wkwkkwk.. skrg di jogja pgn lagi ke pola makan sehat sayur2an tp terkadang kondisi tak mendukung~

    Semangat! :*


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