Nah, I Don't Even Have An Effort to Wear A Lipstick

As time goes by, started from a little effort of going greener, it has been walking me to a further step. 
It's decluttering. 
But after decluttering, it shapes another habit called 'easy to let go'.  
So, a month ago I've cleaned out all the clothing tags I collected for no reason, 
that actually has stolen too much space & collected so many dust.  
They're all funny and cute, but not worth keeping, since it has no function--except for a bookmark, but I don't read 20 books altogether! :)) 

And, look, this is my final result of doing garage sale and selecting: 


Well, actually I still need a waterproof sandal but it's not that urgent for now. 
So, say hello to Waka-Waka Pinky for daily shoes, and sparkling silver for formal attendances. 

Here's a picture of my latest food, anyway.  I'm decluttering the inside of my body, too. By not eating craps.  Meanwhile, hello, mango! ;) It's local, it's delicious, it's healthy!

Okay, one other clue: I used to be a greedy skincare / make up lover ( already been selective, but, still, greedy, especially when it came to lip products!). But, now, listen, I don't even have an effort to wear a lipstick. Basically, because it will stick on your drinking tumbler's edge, or on the spoon, or your clothes. And, yeah, even more, I'm using less and less make up. 

The only thing I love is a good skincare product, that usually consist of a basic clay mask and a sunscreen or moisturizer. :)) 



  1. Eh itu kalo aku si koleksi pembatas buku sama apalagi gtu kemaren aku lupa yg dah melayang dr lemari XD Trus baju2 yg uda sempit walo masi bagus aku jual aja. Ga nyimpen buat berharap suatu hari jd balik size segitu XD Terus buku2 kuno yg dulu aku simpen krn mikir suatu hari bakal make,uda melayang ke loakan krn toh sampe skrg ga dipake dan malah jd jamuran,debuan.
    Iya bener,easy to let go itu :D


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