Do An Experiment

I've just finished reading The More of Less by Joshua Becker and Minimalism from The Minimalists (Joshua Fields Milburn & Ryan Nicodemus). And, I kinda agree with their saying to try some experiment before shifting to a new habit.

I had a little too-intense-long-term-challenge for myself, like "NO DAIRY FOR A YEAR" but then things happened and I...failed. :/

So for the beginning of 2019 I'd like to write down my first range of experiment--the lifespan would be 1 month. And I'll see if I survive successfully!

+ drink ONLY water or clear substances like wedang uwuh and flower tea, freeing myself from excess sugar and cream from bubble tea, fancy coffee, even fruit juices bought outside

+ less pasta, more rice! huh? yes, rice. no gluten, gluten-free-wise, and local, zero-carbon-wise. some vermicelli would be in my YES list. I'd like to see my body's reaction after living with only a few carbs from wheat.

+ no dairy--at all, hidden ones, too.

+ wear only what I have and create a uniform schedule, dress the best every single day!

+ eBooks and rentals

+ more scales practice & targeted practice!

+ take things one by one, slowly--the best system my head can accept

+ limit Instagram-watching!

+ less time on screen, more time with instruments and Salju!

Well, despite all these ambitious list, let's take it slow anyway... ;D 
