Selamat Datang, KeepCup!

In Bahasa Indonesia, 'selamat datang' means 'welcome'.  To whom do I say welcome? To the newest kiddo in my shelf...the KeepCup

I bought one from Revebelle shop.  After 3 months of thinking.  Actually I've stopped craving for one months ago, until I found out that I need a proper container for on-the-go fruit juices or smoothies, or if I accidentally order a portion of frozen yogurt or ice cream.  It's creepy to wash an postjuicefilled glass bottle because I have to reach some corners with bottle brush. Sometimes the rest of it stays.  And then there is a smell you can't stand.  Seriously. 

Well anyway, this glass-cup-shaped tumbler is also better to keep some fruit slices and everything. 

So, hey-yeah, after a long proccess of judging, I decided to adopt one.  Helloooo, new stuff!
Why do I buy a KeepCup, by the way? Well, since I often left with guilt after any drink outside, or dessert.  There are disposable plastic cup (or paper) and plastic (or wooden) spoon along with the serving.  Plus the straw, sometimes.  That is the point of my horrid feeling.  I don't want to enjoy some meal while cluttering the Earth with small annoying stuff! 

KeepCup is a plastic cup--but it's reusable, and I believe it lasts long--looking at the plastic quality.  The shape is friendly, and it's easier to be washed cleanly. 

What kind of container do you use for your beverages and food? 

Don't you think that reusing is amusing? :D

just one OOTD bonus with my Guyu bag (my own) and favourite Argyle & Oxford shoes,
and the carnival-themed dress that looks like a soulmate to me...

Anyway, I've reduced the amount of my shoes collection to only 6 pairs! Previously, I think I have around 10 or something.  Mostly never worn again after an event or posteuphoria-of-havin'-new-kid-in-town.  Just a reminder, some people out there have no shoes to wear and walk by bare foots.  It's fine for several personalities and needs, but...hey, maybe you can donate your unused shoes to those who need it more! :D
